Ninkilim Syndication

Ninkilim: Cluster Configuration

For load-balancing, availability and data redundancy it may be desirable to have several nodes serving the same content. Ninkilim comes with built in replication which can save a lot of money compared to conventional setups using load balancers and high availability database clusters.

Step 1: Install Ninkilim

Set up each node as described in Ninkilim: Installation Guide

Step 2: Import Your Data

Option 1: Peer-to-Peer with pg_dump/pg_restore

Import your data on one of the nodes as described in Ninkilim: Migration

Then use pg_dump, pg_restore and rsync to initialize the other nodes. For example: sh cd /var/www/Ninkilim pg_dump -F t -f ninkilim.tar rsync . $othernode:/var/www/Ninkilim then on each of the other nodes: sh cd /var/www/Ninkilim createdb ninkilim pg_restore -d ninkilim ninkilim.tar Skip to "Step 3: Peering Configuration"

Option 2: Peer-to-Peer with Import

Follow the instructions from Ninkilim: Migration on each of the nodes. Skip to "Step 3: Peering Configuration"

Option 3: Master / Slave Configuration

Follow the instructions from Ninkilim: Migration on one of the nodes. Skip to "Step 3: Peering Configuration" - "Option 1: peers.txt"

Step 3: Peering Configuration

Option 1: peers.txt

Import your data on one of the nodes and then add the url of that node to /var/www/Ninkilim/root/peers.txt on the other nodes.

Option 2: Web-Interface

Navigate to /login on each of the nodes and enter your e-mail address to request a login link / token by e-mail. Navigate to /sync on each of the nodes and add all of the other nodes.

Step 4: Crontab

On each of the nodes, add the following line to crontab -e * * * * * GET -d http://localhost:3000/sync/run